I am working on putting up last update quests in the Recent Quests page or if I already have a page for it ill put it there and then ill put these quests up. If you understood that then good for you xD if you didnt keep an eye peeled for the next Site Update! :)
I was looking at the Horse Isle news posts and there was one for Sept. 18 and I'll post it on:
[ September 18, 2011 ] Edited Detailed Rules: We were having some issues with player believing moderator were "making up" rules. These rules they were enforcing were in the rules, just not specifically stated. We have now added entries to the Detailed Rules for those that have caused the most arguments and disagreements.
Please view the Detailed Rules (get there by clicking on Rules then Detailed Rules at the top) and read the newly added statements. The categories they can be found under: Arena/Competitions (also Competitions/Arenas) Profile Eating Others (also Cannibalism) Quests A line was added to Moderators